
Covid-19 pandemic puts illegal wildlife trade in the spotlight

Countries around the world are in a state of emergency, with millions of citizens in lockdown, their movements restricted or severely curtailed as a result of the global pandemic unleashed by the novel coronavirus. Economies ...

Star formation project maps nearby interstellar clouds

Astronomers have captured new, detailed maps of three nearby interstellar gas clouds containing regions of ongoing high-mass star formation. The results of this survey, called the Star Formation Project, will help improve ...

Evening Complex 'thermometer proteins' regulate plant blooming

As average temperatures rise every year, it is no longer rare to see plants flower as early as February. Behind this phenomenon is a complex of proteins whose activity is controlled by temperature changes, as has just been ...

Comet ATLAS may put on quite a show

A comet called Atlas is currently heading toward the sun, and it just might put on a really good show in a couple of months. Discovered last December by the Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert system in Hawaii (thus the ...

Controlling vitamin K2 production in the tuberculosis bacteria

A team of New Zealand researchers led by a University of Canterbury (UC) scientist has discovered a novel mechanism of controlling vitamin K2 production in the bacterial pathogen that causes tuberculosis (known as TB or the ...

Biologist discovers world's highest-elevation mammal

They had climbed for eight hours—Had it really been just eight? Nine, maybe? More?—after the avalanche risk of a snow-packed ravine on the main path had forced them onto a more circuitous, arduous route.

Opening a new chapter in antibody mimetics

Antibodies are proteins that act as recognition molecules for pathogens, like viruses and bacteria, and are the workhorses of the body's immune system. They recognize specific molecules and bind to them very strongly, which ...

Chasing lithium ions on the move in a fast-charging battery

A team of scientists led by the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has captured in real time how lithium ions move in lithium titanate (LTO), a fast-charging ...

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