
Precise molecular fingerprinting on the fly

Electro-optic modulators, which can switch light on and off within just picoseconds, are enabling ever faster telecommunication over optical glass fibres, so that large movies can be streamed more smoothly across oceans into ...

Using maths to unravel the Sun's magnetic fields

Complex magnetic fields in the Sun's atmosphere help heat it to multi-million degree temperatures and create explosive events such as solar flares that affect us here on Earth.

Giant comets could pose danger to life on Earth

A team of astronomers from Armagh Observatory and the University of Buckingham report that the discovery of hundreds of giant comets in the outer planetary system over the last two decades means that these objects pose a ...

A purported new mathematics proof is impenetrable – now what?

What happens when someone claims to have proved a famous conjecture? Well, it depends. When a paper is submitted, the journal editor will pass it off to a respected expert for examination. That referee will then scan the ...

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