
Speaking out for accurate information on fracking

As Pennsylvania experiences a natural gas boom, the related industry of fracking has generated concerns about environmental and health issues. In fracking (hydraulic fracturing), rock deep in the earth is fractured by a hydraulically ...

Coral symbionts take to the open ocean

Symbiodinium is a unicellular alga that plays a major role in coral reefs by forming symbiotic partnerships with invertebrates, providing them with the ability to photosynthesize. For the first time, it has now been discovered ...

Plasma research shows promise for future compact accelerators

A transformative breakthrough in controlling ion beams allows small-scale laser-plasma accelerators to deliver unprecedented power densities. That development offers benefits in a wide range of applications, including nuclear ...

How do robots 'see' the world?

The world has gone mad for robots with articles talking almost every day about the coming of the robot revolution. But is all the hype, excitement and sometimes fear justified? Is the robot revolution really coming?

Tissue engineering with an educational twist

In his doctoral thesis Patric Wallin, at the Department of Physics, Chalmers University of Technology, combines research from tissue engineering and engineering education. He finds that merging the two is beneficial in many ...

Improving machine learning with an old approach

Computer scientist Rong Ge has an interesting approach to machine learning. While most machine learning specialists will build an algorithm which molds to a specific dataset, Ge builds an algorithm which he can guarantee ...

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