
A new way to enhance the capacity of memory devices

A Tomsk Polytechnic University study reveals how topological vortices found in low-dimensional materials can be both displaced and erased and restored again by the electrical field within nanoparticles. This may open exciting ...

Chiral crabs

Sander Wezenberg, and PhD students Thomas van Leeuwen and Kaja Sitkowska, from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, spoke to us about their work in chirality and molecular motors, and the seaside scene on the cover ...

Concrete applications for accelerator science

Particle accelerators are the engines of particle physics research at Fermilab. They generate nearly light-speed, subatomic particles that scientists study to get to the bottom of what makes our universe tick. Fermilab experiments ...

Supernovae death reveals link to stars' birth

It was previously thought that molecules and dust would be completely obliterated by the tremendous explosions of supernovae. Yet, for the first time, scientists have discovered that this is not actually the case.

The superconducting magnets of the future

The superconducting magnets of the future are under development and CERN is on the front line. To increase the energy of circular colliders, physicists are counting on ever more powerful magnets, capable of generating magnetic ...

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