
Swan River flowing with gold

Solid gold particles have been discovered in the Swan River, but don't grab your prospecting kit just yet.

Maternal experience brings an evolutionary advantage

Using a species of butterfly as an example, researchers from the Department of Environmental Sciences at the University of Basel have demonstrated how insects adapt their offspring to changing environmental conditions. The ...

Green barriers of cypresses could reduce fire initiation risk

Every year fires burn thousands of hectares, destroy entire ecosystems and put the lives of people and animals at risk. Understanding the dynamics of fire would allow a solution to be found for the high number of incidents. ...

Patterns are math we love to look at

Why do humans love to look at patterns? I can only guess, but I've written a whole book about new mathematical ways to make them. In Creating Symmetry, The Artful Mathematics of Wallpaper Patterns, I include a comprehensive ...

Modular platform for biosensor assembly

Tumor markers are biological substances, usually proteins, that provide early indication of cancerous or benign tumors in the body. 

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