
Turnkey solution for a connected, self-shopping experience

A few years after they made barcode readers available to their clients, shops and supermarkets across Europe are now getting ready for digital wallet services. But what they may not know is that, somewhere in Porto, a startup ...

One research vessel multiplies to hundreds

In preparation for their Arctic work GEOTRACES linked with "Float Your Boat", an education program with a unique concept. 'Float Your Boat' blends the themes of historic Arctic drift studies, modern GPS technology and hands ...

It's not a lack of self-control that keeps people poor

When considering poverty, our national conversation tends to overlook systemic causes. Instead, we often blame the poor for their poverty. Commentators echo the claim that people are poor because they have bad self-control ...

Successful tests may lead to faster creation of new nuclear fuels

Idaho National Laboratory recently completed the first successful test of fabrication equipment in the Experimental Fuels Facility (EFF) at INL's Materials and Fuels Complex. Specifically, they finished the first extrusions ...

10 to 1: Bugs win in NASA study

Bugs are winning out, and that's a good thing according to NASA's Human Research Program. As part of NASA's One-Year Mission, researchers are studying how microbes living on astronauts' skin, inside their bodies and on the ...

Study reveals complications of conservation decisions

Guam-based research on the native Intsia bijuga tree has been published in the current issue of the Journal of Tropical Forest Science (JTFS). The work was performed within the University of Guam's Western Pacific Tropical ...

MMA sport is more than just violence and fighters in a cage

Ethnologist Magnus Stenius from Umeå University in Sweden has, in his dissertation on the subject of mixed martial arts (MMA), made a three-year study in Sweden and around the world. He has conducted participant observations ...

Which species will survive the Earth's sixth mass extinction?

Scientists recently suggested that the Earth's sixth mass extinction has begun. As terrifying as that sounds, surely humans are too smart and too important to get wiped out? Palaeontologists have long tried to shed light ...

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