
Scientists make wine and cheese using weeds

Scientists at South Ural State University (SUSU) have discovered that the extract of a common weed plant, Bidens pilosa, is a promising source of enzymes for the food industry. According to the authors, the technique can ...

Site-directed mutagenesis in wheat via haploid induction by maize

A new study recently published in the Plant Biotechnology Journal demonstrates how site-directed mutagenesis can be achieved in virtually any wheat germplasm by intergeneric pollination of wheat with cas9/guide-RNA (gRNA)-transgenic ...

Aerosols have an impact on the solar power yield in Europe

High up in the atmosphere, even the smallest particles lead to the formation of clouds. Air flows that carry Sahara dust to Europe also affect our weather. In the PermaStrom research project, a joint research team from Karlsruhe ...

Valley Hall nanoscale lasers developed

Topological photonics underpins a promising paradigm for robust light manipulation, as well as smart design of optical devices with improved reliability and advanced functionalities that are governed by the nontrivial band ...

Thermal manipulation of plasmons in atomically thin films

Surface plasmons in graphene have been widely studied in the past decade due to their very appealing properties, such as the strong tunability of its optical properties through electrical gating and the relatively high plasmon ...

Plastics found in sea-bed sharks

Microplastics have been found in the guts of sharks that live near the seabed off the UK coast. University of Exeter scientists studied four species of demersal (seabed-dwelling) shark.

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