
Toward lab-grown designer babies

It gives new meaning to the vulgarity "a piece of tail." The latest way of divorcing baby-making from the old-fashioned method not only involves no sexual relations, it doesn't even involve eggs and sperm. At least at first.

A new way to imagine grid stability

To ensure that the US electric grid remains stable and resilient, power generators in three main regions (Eastern, Western, and Texas) must be synchronized, all operating at the frequency of 60 hertz. Because generators interact ...

Better and cheaper healthcare with dry blood samples

Dried blood on filter paper stored for future diagnostic purposes – considerably easier than the present-day, resource-consuming method using frozen blood samples in plastic tubes. In a new study, Uppsala researchers have ...

Semi-transparent perovskite solar cells for solar windows

Scientists are exploring ways to develop transparent or semi-transparent solar cells as a substitute for glass walls in modern buildings with the aim of harnessing solar energy. But this has proven challenging, because transparency ...

A user-controlled file security scheme for cloud services

By securing data files with a 'need-to-know' decryption key, researchers at Singapore's Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) have developed a way to control access to cloud-hosted data in real time, adding ...

Luminous bacteria will help to measure radioactivity

In a new study, scientists asked the following questions, which are important in the field of radiobiology: What are the effects of low-dose gamma radiation on living creatures? What are the differences between gamma, alpha ...

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