
How ESA helps South Africa share water fairly

Clustered at the edge of the Crocodile River in Mpumalanga Province, South Africa, stand thousands of farms and small holdings growing fresh fruit and sugar cane. Water to irrigate the crops is taken from the river, but this ...

Modification of graphene using laser light

Graphene is an exciting new material, which has been characterized as a 'wonder material' because of its excellent properties. Graphene gained widespread attention in 2010 when the Nobel Prize in physics was awarded to researchers ...

The bacteria that look after us and their protective weapons

The extensive agriculture that makes it possible to meet the nutritional needs of the planet's billions of inhabitants is based on the use of chemical products (pesticides) to avoid crop losses due to pests. However, these ...

New tool can help predict the next financial bubble

An international team of interdisciplinary researchers has identified mathematical metrics to characterize the fragility of financial markets. Their paper "Network geometry and market instability" sheds light on the higher-order ...

Mars water loss shaped by seasons and storms

Mars has lost most of its once plentiful water, with small amounts remaining in the planet's atmosphere. ESA's Mars Express now reveals more about where this water has gone, showing that its escape to space is accelerated ...

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