
New input for quantum simulations

An international group of researchers, including UvA physicist Michael Walter, have devised new methods to create interesting input states for quantum computations and simulations. The new methods can be used to simulate ...

A new bound on axions

An axion is a hypothetical elementary particle whose existence was postulated in order to explain why certain subatomic reactions appear to violate basic symmetry constraints, in particular symmetry in time. The 1980 Nobel ...

Most powerful Dutch supercomputer boosts new radio telescope

Every day, thousands of enormous explosions go off in the sky: so-called Fast Radio Bursts. To better understand the flashes and the gigantic energies behind them, ASTRON—the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy, an ...

Microsoft researchers build a bot that draws what you tell it to

If you're handed a note that asks you to draw a picture of a bird with a yellow body, black wings and a short beak, chances are you'll start with a rough outline of a bird, then glance back at the note, see the yellow part ...

Scientists reduce harmful emissions from HPPs

A team of scientists from Siberian Federal University (SFU) and their colleagues from Novosibirsk and the Netherlands modeled the process of coal burning in HPP boilers and determined which type of fuel produced less harmful ...

New metal-semiconductor interface for brain-inspired computing

One of the big challenges in computer architecture is integrating storage, memory and processing in one unit. This would make computers faster and more energy efficient. University of Groningen physicists have taken a big ...

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