
Researchers produce 2-D sheets of tin atoms

The merits of graphene, a 2-D sheet of carbon atoms, are well established. In its wake have followed a host of post-graphene materials—structural analogues of graphene made of elements such as silicon or germanium.

Companies plan European network of car charging stations

Two companies plan a network of fast-charging stations for battery-powered cars in Europe that they say will help drivers of electric vehicles travel in and among the region's main cities.

Oil spill disasters in the past 50 years

Concerns are growing over an oil slick off China's east coast after an Iranian tanker, the Sanchi, exploded and sank a week ago following a collision at sea.

Scientists improve nanofluids for solar power plants

An associate of Siberian Federal University (SFU) teamed up with his foreign colleagues to increase the efficiency of the heat transfer medium used in solar power plants. The results of the study were published in Renewable ...

Oil slick off China coast trebles in size

The spill from a sunken Iranian tanker off China's east coast has more than trebled in size, just over a week after the ship sank in a ball of flames.

Barrier Reef funding boost to tackle predatory starfish

A multimillion-dollar campaign to stop the predatory crown-of-thorns starfish devouring the Great Barrier Reef was announced by the Australian government Monday in a push to preserve the World Heritage-listed ecosystem.

Facebook to train 65,000 in French job schemes

Facebook said Monday that it will train 65,000 French people in digital skills in free schemes to help women set up businesses and the long-term unemployed get back to work.

Solar industry on edge as Trump weighs tariffs on panels

Solar energy is booming in the United States, but companies riding the wave fear that President Donald Trump could undercut them this week if he decides to impose new tariffs on imported solar panels.

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