
Biodiversity of islands worldwide is in peril, scientists warn

Scientists are sounding the alarm. The biodiversity of islands around the world is becoming increasingly threatened, due in large part to habitat loss, overexploitation, invasive species and climate change. If healthy island ...

Climate tipping might be predicted using algebraic topology

The Earth's climate system seems to have shifted abruptly between colder and warmer modes in the past. Do we risk the same today from anthropogenic climate change? Frankly, climate models cannot answer that question yet. ...

Fighting viruses with interchangeable defense genes

Bacterial viruses, so-called phages, destroy bacteria. Bacteria are constantly exposed to viral attacks. A research team led by Martin Polz, a microbiologist at the University of Vienna, has now studied how bacteria defend ...

Study rewrites dogma of adenovirus infection and double-stranded RNA

Challenging the dogma of what scientists thought they understood about DNA viruses, a team of researchers led by Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) has shown that adenovirus uses its own efficient RNA splicing mechanisms ...

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