
Dino-killing asteroid sped up bird evolution

Human activities could change the pace of evolution, similar to what occurred 66 million years ago when a giant asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs, leaving modern birds as their only descendants. That's one conclusion drawn ...

Is the future of hurricane forecasting in danger?

Hurricane forecasting depends heavily on government-funded satellites, allowing the communities in their path to prepare and evacuate. Those satellites, monitored and maintained by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ...

Four elements make 2-D optical platform

Rice University scientists have discovered a two-dimensional alloy with an optical bandgap that can be tuned by the temperature used to grow it.

Researchers investigate tech's effect on journalism

Two new studies from The University of Texas at Dallas' School of Arts, Technology, and Emerging Communication (ATEC) examine different angles on the interaction between journalism and modern technology.

Mexico City, supremely vulnerable to quake threats

Built in a natural basin filled with the sediment of a former lake, Mexico City has proved particularly vulnerable to the devastating effects of earthquakes, seen once again with a 7.1-magnitude tremor on Tuesday that killed ...

Scientists unravel mysteries of DNA replication in corn

DNA replication is among life's most important processes, providing a way for an organism's genetic material to be reproduced so it can be passed from cell to cell. For the first time, scientists have characterized that process ...

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