
Civic solidarity under the microscope

Recent crises have shown how the idea of European solidarity is stronger than the sum of the governments supposed to enact it. The TransSOL project considered the roots of civil society-led solidarity and the conditions that ...

Image: Planet of clouds

From the vantage point of space, astronaut Alexander Gerst of the European Space Agency reminds us of the the beauty and wonder of our planet.

NASA gets up close with Greenland's melting ice

With a new research plane and a new base to improve its chances of outsmarting Atlantic hurricanes, NASA's Oceans Melting Greenland campaign takes to the sky this week for its third year of gathering data on how the ocean ...

New method could save iconic English chalk grasslands

A three-year experiment by ecologists from The University of Manchester, the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology and Lancaster University has revealed how our iconic chalk grasslands—damaged by intensive farming—could be regenerated.

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