
Avoiding disruptions that halt fusion reactions

Inside a fusion experiment, where scientists study the reactions at the heart of our sun, disruptions—large-scale instabilities of the plasma—cause rapid and complete loss of magnetic confinement. Models of fusion plasmas ...

3-D particle tracking? There's an app for that

Using four low-cost smartphone cameras and some simple colored backlighting, KAUST researchers have dispensed with expensive research-grade camera equipment and dangerous lasers to construct a tomographic particle image velocimetry ...

Research shows impact on young Māori of widening inequalities

Associate Professor Joanna Kidman from Victoria's Te Kura Māori (School of Education), says her research team found that rising levels of poverty had left Māori youth with fewer resources to prepare for the future.

Using machine learning to improve patient care

Doctors are often deluged by signals from charts, test results, and other metrics to keep track of. It can be difficult to integrate and monitor all of these data for multiple patients while making real-time treatment decisions, ...

The origin of binary stars

The origin of binary stars has long been one of the central problems of astronomy. One of the main questions is how stellar mass affects the tendency to be multiple. There have been numerous studies of young stars in molecular ...

Using microwaves to break up rock saves energy

In a project funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF, a research group from Leoben investigated how excavation methods for hard rock could be improved by using microwave irradiation so as to make classical mechanical excavation ...

Nanomaterial wrap for improved tissue imaging

Researchers at Tokai University describe in Advanced Materials how wrapping biological tissue in a nanosheet of a particular organic material results in high-quality microscopy images. Application of the wrap prevents the ...

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