
Image: Hubble's twisted galaxy

Gravity governs the movements of the cosmos. It draws flocks of galaxies together to form small groups and more massive galaxy clusters, and brings duos so close that they begin to tug at one another. This latter scenario ...

The dangerous game of the 'highwayman' beetle

We all know the type. The project co-worker who doesn't really work on the project, but shows up for the group photo. The dinner companion who develops alligator arms when the check appears. Shirkers. Goldbrickers. Idlers. ...

Google memo completely misses how implicit biases harm women

Workplace biases are back in the national conversation, thanks to the recent memo by a Google employee. The memo's author challenges the company's diversity policies, arguing that psychological differences between men and ...

Image: Atlas V lifts-off with TDRS-M

A United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket lifts off from Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida, with NASA's Tracking and Data Relay Satellite, TDRS-M. TDRS-M. Liftoff was at 8:29 a.m. EDT.

Satellite photos reveal gigantic outburst floods

Researchers from Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, studied satellite photographs of Lake Catalina, an ice-dammed lake in East Greenland – and were truly amazed: Unnoticed by science as well as people ...

Scientists accelerate airflow in mid-air

When a fan blows air across a room, the airflow typically decelerates and spreads out. Now in a new study, scientists have demonstrated the opposite: an airflow created by a carefully controlled ultrasound array can maintain ...

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