
The Neanderthal dawn chorus

A new study focusing on the birds of the Ice Age has shed light on the long term response of birds to climate change.

How climate change is making California's epic drought worse

California is undergoing a record-setting drought that began in 2012, the worst in at least 1,200 years. It can be seen in many ways: most of the freshwater reservoirs are drying up, crops are wilting in the fields and groundwater ...

Impact crater or supervolcano caldera?

At first glance, the region covered by this latest Mars Express image release appears to be pockmarked with impact craters. But the largest structure among them may hold a rather explosive secret: it could be remains of an ...

Social structure 'helps birds avoid a collision course'

The sight of skilful aerial manoeuvring by flocks of Greylag geese to avoid collisions with York's Millennium Bridge intrigued mathematical biologist Dr Jamie Wood. It raised the question of how birds collectively negotiate ...

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