
Bacteria's Achilles heel uncovered by single molecule chemistry

Drug resistant bacteria are fast becoming one of the big worries of the 21 century. Now researchers at the University of Copenhagen have discovered a previously unknown weakness; an "Achilles heel", of bacteria. Their discovery, ...

Californians are ready for recycled water

According to the U.S. Drought Monitor, more than 60 percent of California is still suffering "extreme to exceptional drought" conditions. Californians are living through the state's worst drought in more than 150 years and ...

Breakthrough technology to improve cyber security

With enough computing effort most contemporary security systems will be broken. But a research team at the University of Sydney has made a major breakthrough in generating single photons (light particles), as carriers of ...

New lenses to help in the hunt for dark energy

Since the 1990s, scientists have been aware that for the past several billion years, the universe has been expanding at an accelerated rate. They have further hypothesized that some form of invisible energy must be responsible ...

Bangladesh bans ships in rare dolphin sanctuaries

Bangladesh on Monday banned boats from sailing through a key southwestern river after a ship loaded with coal capsized, threatening the sanctuaries of rare dolphins in the world's largest mangrove forest.

Where is the closest black hole?

You know that saying, "keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer?" That advice needs to go right out the window when we're talking black holes. They're the worst enemies you could have and you want them as far ...

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