
Is artificial intelligence ready to rule the world?

This week humankind was delivered a body blow by an artificial intelligence (AI) called AlphaGo that beat Go's world champion, Lee Sedol, so is it now time for humans to let the machines rule the world?

Grass and flowers sourced locally

Colourful, low-intensity grasslands not only look attractive, they also offer valuable habitat for many plants and animals. Yet they have become rare in many places. To create more environments that contain grass and herbs, ...

Tool chain for real-time programming

In aerospace, automation, and automotive technologies, smart electronic computer systems have to meet a number of security and real-time requirements. In case of critical incidents, for instance, the software's response time ...

Fighting superbugs with nanotechnology and light

A new tool is emerging in the fight against antibiotic-resistant bacterial disease. Beyond the global efforts to limit overuse and abuse of antibiotic drugs, nanomedicine is finding additional ways to attack these superbugs.

Beating the diffraction limit with nanoantennas

Plasmonic nanoantennas are among the hot topics in science at the moment because of their ability to interact strongly with light, which for example makes them useful for different kinds of sensing. But matching their resonances ...

What are the benefits of volcanoes?

Volcanoes are renowned for their destructive power. In fact, there are few forces of nature that rival their sheer, awesome might, or have left as big of impact on the human psyche. Who hasn't heard of tales of Mt. Vesuvius ...

Curtin's mining money saver

Curtin University is entering the mining software market with TopDump—a mine waste optimiser that could cut costs and reduce environmental damage for WA's open cut operations and projects.

Human eyes assist drones, teach machines to see

Drone images accumulate much faster than they can be analyzed. Researchers have developed a new approach that combines crowdsourcing and machine learning to speed up the process.

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