
Can Geckos get going?

(Phys.org) —New research from Macquarie University suggests that arid zone reptiles could struggle to find suitable homes as a result of human induced climate change.

Concrete jewellery wins 'Red Dot Award'

The prestigious Red Dot Design Award has been awarded to Viennese jeweller Thomas Hauser, who uses special materials developed at TU Vienna in his pieces.

Chimpanzees eat smart when it comes to mealtime

Chimpanzees watch what they eat and when, which may show that these primates are giving some thought to the quality of their food, according to Purdue University research.

New congestion-minimization technology tested

Honda Motor conducted public-road testing of its new traffic congestion-minimization technology in Indonesia and verified the effectiveness of the technology in delaying the development of congestion, and improving fuel efficiency ...

More efficient and reliable robotic-control systems

When a robot is moving one of its limbs through free space, its behavior is well-described by a few simple equations. But as soon as it strikes something solid—when a walking robot's foot hits the ground, or a grasping ...

Volunteering slashes conservation costs

The contribution of volunteer labour is worth, on average, 36 per cent of the total cost of managing Yorkshire Wildlife Trust's protected sites.

Simplified method to identify the presence of phthalate esters

Fujitsu Laboratories Limited has announced the development of a method that can identify the presence of phthalate esters, such as bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), which are considered toxic in polyvinyl chloride (PVC). ...

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