
PNNL researcher receives international fuel cell award

Fuel cell pioneer Subhash Singhal, fuel cell director at the Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, has received the 2008 Grove Medal for sustained advances in fuel cell technology.

Samsung I7110 Smartphone with S60 and Symbian OS

(PhysOrg.com) -- Samsung Electronics Co just announced today their latest Smartphone based on the S60 and Symbian OS. The Samsung I7110 Smartphone will be showcased for the first time at the Symbian Smartphone Show in London ...

In search of a light Higgs boson

(PhysOrg.com) -- “It's pretty clear that the standard model of physics is not enough to explain all the phenomena in nature,” Tomasz Skwarnicki tells PhysOrg.com. “Through looking at a variety of phenomena – one of ...

Research around the North Pole

The German research vessel Polarstern has returned today to Bremerhaven from the Arctic Sea. It has cruised as the first research vessel ever both the Northeast and the Northwest Passages and thereby circled the North Pole. ...

LEDs may help reduce skin wrinkles, researchers report

Researchers in Germany are describing a potential alternative to Botox and cosmetic surgery for easing facial wrinkles. Their study, scheduled for the November 5 issue of ACS' Crystal Growth & Design reports that high intensity ...

Contact lenses are home to pathogenic amoebae

Contact lenses increase the risk of infection with pathogenic protozoa that can cause blindness. New research, published in the November issue of the Journal of Medical Microbiology, shows that a high percentage of contact ...

Relationships Between Quantum Dots - Stability and Reproduction

(PhysOrg.com) -- Theoretical proof of stable and measurable states extending over two quantum dots and creating offspring has now been provided for the first time. This supports the notion of what is known as Quantum Darwinism, ...

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