
Spiral arms allow school children to weigh black holes

Astronomers from Swinburne University of Technology, Australia, and the University of Minnesota Duluth, USA, have provided a way for armchair astronomers, and even primary school children, to merely look at a spiral galaxy ...

Fernanda weakens to Tropical Storm

As of 5 a.m. July 20 (0900 UTC), Fernanda had weakened to tropical storm status. There are no coastal watches or warnings in effect.

NASA imagery shows disorganized Tropical Depression 8E

Infrared imagery from NASA's Aqua satellite revealed a lack of organized circulation in Tropical Depression 8E. The storm is sandwiched between Tropical Storm Fernanda to the west and Tropical Storm Greg to the east.

Elephant seals recognize each other by the rhythm of their calls

Every day, humans pick up on idiosyncrasies such as slow drawls, high-pitched squeaks, or hints of accents to put names to voices from afar. This ability may not be as unique as once thought, researchers report on July 20 ...

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