
Einstein and Hitler, the hero and the villain of world history

What do Einstein, Mother Teresa, Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Newton, Jesus, Mandela, Edison, Lincoln and the Buddha all have in common? They all make up the top 10 heroes in world history. As regards the villains, the ...

Standard knowledge for robots

What do you know? There is now a world standard for capturing and conveying the knowledge that robots possess—or, to get philosophical about it, an ontology for automatons.

What can be done about a water shortage?

The water crisis in the western United States – most notably in California and Washington – may be the most severe and most publicized, but other threats to the nation's water supply loom, says Dr. Joel Burken, professor ...

Pressure to expand is crucial key to firms' success

Whole Foods Market encourages its employees to connect with the supermarket's "core values" on a personal level and make them "come to life" every day in their work.

What happens inside a membrane

A new SISSA study has achieved two important results with a single effort: to devise an innovative method to analyse the structure of biological proteins immersed in their physiological context, and to closely observe a major ...

Video: NASA's Webb 'strutting its stuff'

The newest video in the "Behind the Webb" series, called "Strutting its Stuff," provides a look at three "struts" or poles that fold and unfold the secondary mirror on the James Webb Space Telescope. The video series takes ...

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