
Yahoo's Alibaba spinoff to proceed despite tax review

Yahoo acknowledged Wednesday that US authorities are reviewing the tax-free status of its planned spinoff of its stake in Chinese online giant Alibaba, but said the deal would proceed anyway.

Ultrasonic production of skimmed milk

Recently, scientists from Swinburne University of Technology in Australia and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) have jointly demonstrated cream separation from natural whole milk at ...

One simple molecule regulates sexual behavior in Drosophila

The common vinegar fly Drosophila melanogaster is a very well-studied animal. For decades, the fly has been used as a model organism in genetic research; its genome was fully sequenced in 2000. However, until now researchers ...

Amazing microdroplet structures may lead to new technologies

Unexpected shapes of mesoscale atoms—structures built of microdroplets encapsulated within microdroplets—have been created at the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, Poland. The ...

US forest service research team releases bats treated for WNS

USDA Forest Service scientists, collaborators, and supporters gathered at Mark Twain Cave Complex in Hannibal, Mo., on Tuesday evening to express cautious optimism about a possible treatment for White-nose Syndrome (WNS). ...

Why enough water will never be enough for California

These days, it seems everyone is looking for a silver bullet solution to California's drought. Some advocate increasing supply through more storage, desalination or water reuse. Others propose controlling demand through conservation ...

Toward 'green' paper-thin, flexible electronics

The rapid evolution of gadgets has brought us an impressive array of "smart" products from phones to tablets, and now watches and glasses. But they still haven't broken free from their rigid form.

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