
The case for chimpanzee 'personhood'

Hercules and Leo don't know it, but a decision about their future has made history. In granting an order to show cause on whether Hercules and Leo (who just happen to be chimpanzees) are illegally imprisoned, a Supreme Court ...

Early season forecast updates for Lake Erie harmful algal blooms

In response to increased demand for harmful algal bloom information and data, beginning today, NOAA researchers, and their partners at Heidelberg University, will issue new experimental, early season forecasts of the seasonal ...

New printing process makes three-dimensional objects glow

Conventional electroluminescent (EL) foils can be bent up to a certain degree only and can be applied easily onto flat surfaces. The new process developed by Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in cooperation with the ...

More sperm cells may be needed to overcome high mortality rate

It's one of the true miracles of life, that moment when hundreds of little sperm make it all the way to an unfertilized egg and one breaches its walls. But what of all those other spermatozoa, the hundreds of millions of ...

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