
Image: Journey to space in a vacuum chamber

When you need to test hardware designed to operate in the vast reaches of space, you start in a vacuum chamber.  NASA's Glenn Research Center in Cleveland has many of them, but Vacuum Chamber 5 (VF-5) is special.  Supporting ...

Mountain gorilla mamas sidestep having inbred offspring

Some mountain gorilla females linger into adulthood in the group into which they were born. In the process they also remain in the company of their father, who is often their group's dominant male. To curb inbreeding, though, ...

How the global press reports on the 'hactivism' of Anonymous

A study of global media reporting on the activities of the 'hactivist' group Anonymous has revealed that the press generally portrays them as simple pranksters – even though the vast majority of their operations are motivated ...

Obama to warn rising sea levels could cost US $200 bn

President Barack Obama will on Wednesday warn that a one-foot rise in sea levels could cost the United States as much as $200 billion, in a speech warning of the security risks of climate change.

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