
Zambia lifts ban on hunting of big cats

Zambia has lifted a ban on the hunting of big cats that was imposed over allegations of corruption in the awarding of government hunting concessions, officials said Wednesday.

Researchers use CRISPR to create 'kill switch' for GMOs

(Phys.org)—A pair of researchers at MIT has developed what amounts to a "kill switch" for genetically modified organisms (GMOs). In their paper published in the journal Nature Communications, Brian Caliando and Christopher ...

Developing “greener” household products

The Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) in Singapore is working with a Japanese multinational company to develop safer, anti-odour and anti-bacteria household products that eliminate the use of harmful biocides.

Light-emitting fork made with sprayed LEC technology

Light-emitting electrochemical cells, LEC, is a newly invented lighting technology. In his thesis, physicist Amir Asadpoordarvish, Umeå University, shows how a LEC can be produced through spraying three layers of ink on ...

Production of broccoli on East Coast proves viable

Picked by hand on West Coast farms, chilled to 32 degrees within five hours and packed on ice for a road trip east, broccoli is a finicky crop to provide fresh to East Coast consumers.

Researchers develop novel metallization method

During the IEEE IITC conference in Grenoble, the nanoelectronics research center imec and Lam Research Corporation today presented a novel bottom-up prefill technique for vias and contacts. The technique, based on Electroless ...

Video: Napoleon Bonaparte and the insulin revolution

A team of Sydney researchers has drawn inspiration from a 19th century map, commissioned by Napoleon to chart his defeat in Russia, to show how insulin works in the human body.

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