
Gone fishin' for natural products, with a new dragnet

Nature contains a treasure trove of substances that could help fight human disease. Just this year, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine honored the development of drugs that fight parasites and malaria based on such ...

Amazing muriqui monkey discovered in new hideout

A new group of one of the world's most threatened primates, the northern muriqui, was recently discovered in Brazil's Caparaó National Park during survey work funded by the Conservation Leadership Programme (CLP), a partnership ...

Indian regulator slams Facebook in row over free Internet

India's telecom regulator has attacked Facebook over an aggressive campaign to drum up support for its controversial free Internet project after being deluged with millions of comments asking it not to ban the service.

Land reclamation benefits Alberta grizzly bears

In the face of ongoing demand for resource extraction, scientists are challenged to minimize disruption to sensitive wilderness species. A team from the University of Alberta has studied the effects of human disturbance—specifically ...

Head up, heart down—vertical placement matters

The metaphor is an old one in Western civilization—the head represents rationality and the heart represents emotion. The link is often made in speech and literature by pointing at one's head (thinking) or at one's chest ...

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