
Using electronics to solve common biological problems

What do an electrical engineer, an organic chemist, a materials scientist and a cell biologist all have in common? They invent and improve applications at the interface of biology and electronics.

Student solves a 100-year-old physics enigma

An EPFL Bachelor's student has solved a mystery that has puzzled scientists for 100 years. He discovered why gas bubbles in narrow vertical tubes seem to remain stuck instead of rising upward. According to his research and ...

Image: Hubble detects dynamic galactic duo

Some galaxies are closer friends than others. While many live their own separate, solitary lives, others stray a little too close to a near neighbor and take their friendship even deeper.

How to find molecular glues to effectively target diseases

Many of the currently available drugs are not specific enough to effectively cure complex diseases such as cancer, neurodegenerative diseases and diabetes. In addition, drug resistance reduces the effectiveness of existing ...

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