
Into how many pieces does a balloon burst?

A moderately inflated rubber balloon pricked with a needle bursts into two large fragments. However, if you inflate it until it bursts spontaneously, you get dozens of shreds.

Technology that lets self-driving cars, robots see

LiDAR, once used in the Apollo 15 lunar mission, has shrunk in size and cost, making it easier for researchers and product makers to bring the 3D vision mapping technology to smart devices.

Economic LED recycling

Light emitting diodes are used in a great number of products like televisions and lamps or luminaires. Moreover they are penetrating the automotive lighting market to an ever greater degree. Nevertheless, there are no suitable ...

How dung beetles navigate

Researchers got right into the brains of dung beetles to find out how they use celestial cues such as the sun, the moon and the polarisation pattern of skylight to navigate their dung balls along straight paths across the ...

The navigation app for buildings

In large buildings, you can lose your orientation. Fraunhofer researchers have developed an Android app that navigates through passages, corridors, rooms and floors to the desired destination. They use WLAN to help with location. ...

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