
Ice 'lightning' may have helped life survive Snowball Earth

The ice sheets and glaciers that extend over roughly 11% of the Earth's land mass are home to a surprisingly abundant source of life. Sections of liquid water beneath and inside the ice provide a habitat for a genetically ...

Grids that are smart enough to weather tomorrow's storms

At the end of October 2012, Hurricane Sandy swept across the northeastern United States at speeds of 150 kph (more than 90 mph). Millions of people were left in the dark. In an era of climate change, energy management systems ...

A beautiful defense for smart grids

The physical infrastructure of the U.S. electric grid is aging, overburdened and vulnerable to natural hazards.

Solar vehicle charging at home

Owners of home photovoltaic systems will soon be able to make their households even more sustainable, because PV power is also suitable for charging personal electronic vehicles. A home energy management system created by ...

Are we funding the right researchers in Australia?

If we want the Australian university sector to help fuel innovation, then we need to ensure the right researchers are being supported by our funding bodies, such as the Australian Research Council (ARC) and National Health ...

Magneto-optics on the edge

In an article published and featured as an Editors' suggestion in Physical Review Letters last week (PRL 115, 187403 (2015)), researchers from the Nanomagnetism group at nanoGUNE in collaboration with a team from the University ...

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