
Quantum vacuum: Less than zero energy

Energy is a quantity that must always be positive—at least that's what our intuition tells us. If every single particle is removed from a certain volume until there is nothing left that could possibly carry energy, then ...

New 3-D printing technique for biomaterials

A new way of 3-D printing soft materials such as gels and collagens offers a major step forward in the manufacture of artificial medical implants.

Gibbons hold on in last remaining Vietnam stronghold

A crucial population of one of the rarest primates on the planet is holding its own in the face of multiple threats, according to the latest surveys conducted in northern Vietnam.

Finding the 'magic angle' to create a new superconductor

Researchers at The Ohio State University, in collaboration with scientists around the world, have made a discovery that could provide new insights into how superconductors might move energy more efficiently to power homes, ...

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