
Neutrino produced in a cosmic collider far away

The neutrino event IceCube 170922A, detected at the IceCube Neutrino Observatory at the South Pole, appears to originate from the distant active galaxy TXS 0506+056, at a light travel distance of 3.8 billion light years. ...

Can we peek at Schrodinger's cat without disturbing it?

Quantum physics is difficult and explaining it even more so. Associate Professor Holger F. Hofmann from Hiroshima University and Kartik Patekar from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay have tried to solve one of the ...

'The Ocean Cleanup' ship sweeps first Pacific plastic

A special ship designed to clean the oceans has harvested its first plastic from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch since setting sail from San Francisco last month, its Dutch inventor said Wednesday.

A new act for opera

In November 1953, the Nationaltheater in Mannheim, Germany, staged a new opera, the composer Boris Blacher's "Abstrakte Oper Nr. 1," which had debuted just months previously. As it ran, music fans were treated to both a performance ...

Why are there no animals with three legs?

If "Why?" is the first question in science, "Why not?" must be a close second. Sometimes it's worth thinking about why something does not exist.

Image: Hera logo aboard ISS

The logo for Hera, ESA's proposed asteroid mission for planetary defense, has already reached space, thanks to ESA astronaut Luca Parmitano, who snapped this photo from the cupola of the International Space Station. The Hera ...

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