
Venture capitalist wins US bitcoin auction

A California venture capitalist announced Wednesday he won the US government auction of bitcoins, and plans to use them to help emerging economies that are "hamstrung by weak currencies."

Lohan sues over 'Grand Theft Auto V' game

Lindsay Lohan is suing the makers of the "Grand Theft Auto" video games. The actress says the latest installment used her image and created a character based on her without her permission.

Inspired by nature, researchers create tougher metal materials

(Phys.org) —Drawing inspiration from the structure of bones and bamboo, researchers have found that by gradually changing the internal structure of metals they can make stronger, tougher materials that can be customized ...

Toward a new way to keep electronics from overheating

Computer technology has transformed the way we live, but as consumers expect ever more from their devices at faster speeds, personal computers as well as larger electronic systems can overheat. This can cause them to slow ...

Bioelectronics could lead to a new class of medicine

Imagine having tiny electronics implanted somewhere in your body that can regulate nerve signals and make symptoms of various disorders go away. That's the vision of the field of bioelectronic medicine—the emerging discipline ...

NASA sees a weaker Tropical Storm Douglas

NASA's Aqua satellite captured a picture of Tropical Storm Douglas as it began moving into cooler waters in the Eastern Pacific Ocean. Those cooler waters, coupled with drier air are expected to bring about the storm's demise, ...

Wind shear wipes out Tropical Cyclone Elida

Strong northwesterly wind shear took its toll on Tropical Storm Elida, weakening it to a remnant low early on July 2. In infrared satellite imagery from NOAA's GOES-West satellite, Elida appeared to be a tight swirl of low ...

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