
More people means more plant growth, NASA data shows

Ecologist Thomas Mueller uses satellite data to study how the patterns of plant growth relate to the movement of caribou and gazelle. The research sparked an idea: Would the footprint of human activity show up in the data?

Finally, a mug shot for a crop-killing NH pest

They may be a small insect, but some leafhoppers can carry a big punch, devastating crops and causing millions of dollars in damage. But now New Hampshire farmers have a new source to help them identify the "bad" leafhoppers ...

Putting a price tag on the 2 deg climate target

Addressing climate change will require substantial new investment in low-carbon energy and energy efficiency – but no more than what is currently spent on today's fossil-dominated energy system, according to new research ...

Flood fear has temporary effect on property prices

The stigma of buying in a flood-prone suburb after the 2011 Brisbane floods was short-lived for middle and high-value homes with property prices rebounding within 12-months, a QUT study has found.

Making dreams come true: Making graphene from plastic?

Graphene is gaining heated attention, dubbed a "wonder material" with great conductivity, flexibility and durability. However, graphene is hard to come by due to the fact that its manufacturing process is complicated and ...

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