
Cybersecurity report imagines threat scenarios

The Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity at UC Berkeley's School of Information lays out five cybersecurity threat scenarios in a new report, Cybersecurity Futures 2020. The report is available online.

Novel model illustrates the finer details of nuclear fission

For nearly 80 years, nuclear fission has awaited a description within a microscopic framework. In the first study of its kind, scientists collaborating from the University of Washington, Warsaw University of Technology (Poland), ...

Scientists reveal the secret of antibiotic-resistant bacteria

Researchers have built a computer model of the interaction between different bacteria, and between bacteria and the gut wall. This has led them to explain how antibiotic-resistant microbes develop and spread; details of the ...

Could teachers do less marking for better results?

Many teachers complain about their marking workload, but new research finds there is little evidence to show whether many of the approaches currently adopted are a good use of teachers' time.

Climate-exodus expected in the Middle East and North Africa

The number of climate refugees could increase dramatically in future. Researchers of the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry and the Cyprus Institute in Nicosia have calculated that the Middle East and North Africa could become ...

Detecting decay inside bagged lettuce with 'electronic eye'

We all hate buying bagged salad only to find brown edges on the lettuce. Fresh-cut lettuce sold in modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) is a desirable but highly perishable product. Tissue decay can start a few days after ...

Factbox: What is Bitcoin?

Australian entrepreneur Craig Wright on Monday revealed himself as the creator of the virtual Bitcoin currency to media outlets, the BBC, The Economist and GQ magazine.

Glucose as a new energy source for pacemakers

Researchers at the Instituto Tecnológico de la Energía (Technological Institute of Energy, ITE) are developing a bio-battery that uses blood glucose to produce energy. Such a battery would cut down on the number of surgical ...

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