
Converting atmospheric carbon dioxide into batteries

An interdisciplinary team of scientists has worked out a way to make electric vehicles that are not only carbon neutral, but carbon negative, capable of actually reducing the amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide as they operate.

Looking upwards for transport solutions

Level crossing removals should be viewed as part of a total picture for an effective transport system and the best way to achieve this is to incorporate elevated lines or 'skytrains', according to Melbourne researchers.

Cyclone forecasting for Indian coast improved

A partnership among scientists and the governments of the United States and India has made significant progress in improving the safety of people vulnerable to cyclones along the Indian coast since a devastating supercyclone ...

Spinning better electronic devices

A team of researchers, led by a group at the University of California, Riverside, have demonstrated for the first time the transmission of electrical signals through insulators in a sandwich-like structure, a development ...

Image: Last sunrise from a year in space

NASA astronaut Scott Kelly shared a series of sunrise photographs with his social media followers on Tuesday, March 1, 2016, as he prepared to depart the International Space Station and return to Earth aboard a Soyuz TMA-18M ...

Image: MUSIC successfully launched from NASA Wallops

The Multiple User Suborbital Instrument Carrier or MUSIC payload was successfully launched at 9:50 a.m. today on a Terrier-Improved Malemute suborbital sounding rocket from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility.

Image: Brazil coast via laser beam

The precursor laser technology to the EDRS SpaceDataHighway relayed a radar scan of the Brazilian coast to the DLR German Aerospace Center mere seconds after it was collected. It was then processed in a record-breaking 13 ...

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