
A long-term EKG for wind turbines

Offshore wind turbines have to take a lot of punishment, and this is particularly true for their foundations, which are anchored in the seabed. Divers periodically descend to inspect these structures for defects, but in the ...

Reaching out to stars beyond our galaxy

An international team of researchers in Japan is getting ready to power up a 50,000-ton neutrino detector by adding a single metal, which will turn it into the world's first detector capable of analysing exploding stars beyond ...

Two lions, 110 vultures poisoned at S.Africa's Kruger park

Two lions and over 100 vultures in South Africa's Kruger National Park died after eating the poisoned carcass of an elephant, officials said Wednesday, suggesting a new poaching trend in the heavily-guarded reserve.

The world's newest atom-smasher achieves its 'first turns'

One of the world's top particle accelerators has reached a milestone, achieving its "first turns"—circulating beams of particles for the first time—and opening a new window into the universe, a view that will give physicists ...

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