
Study: Yes, even wild tigers struggle with work/life balance

A new study by a team of Russian and American scientists revealed the first-ever detailed analysis of a tigress from the birth of her cubs through their first four months. What did they find? Tiger motherhood involves lots ...

Acidified oceans may corrode shark scales

Prolonged exposure to high carbon dioxide (acidified) seawater may corrode tooth-like scales (denticles) covering the skin of puffadder shysharks, a study in Scientific Reports suggests. As ocean CO2 concentrations increase ...

Finding your way in the dark depends on your internal clock

How mammals perceive light changes between night and day. Researchers at Aalto University and the University of Helsinki discovered that mice were better at finding a dim light in pitch-darkness in experiments done at night ...

Artificial 'inclusion bodies' created for controlled drug release

Precision medicine is becoming increasingly important, creating more efficient personalised therapies for each patient and innovative pharmacological developments. In the oncology field, for example, researchers are developing ...

First intrinsic magnetic topological insulator discovered

The so-called topological insulators are those materials that are insulators in bulk, i.e., those that do not allow electric currents in their volume, but that are conductors on their surfaces. Unlike the usual conductors, ...

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