
Lessons Learned from the Fukushima Accident

A new article provides an overview of the impacts of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Station accident in Japan in 2011 and subsequent remediation measures, comparing similarities and differences with the lessons learned from ...

Experience with vehicles does not help birds avoid collisions

Researchers suspected that experience with passing vehicles may cause birds to adjust their avoidance responses-specifically, to increase their flight initiation distances-to keep from being hit. Instead, though, they recently ...

Samsung says it has found no battery problem in China (Update)

Samsung Electronics said Monday that its investigation into the first report of a Galaxy Note 7 fire in China found no battery problem, reducing concerns that its smartphone crisis had expanded to the world's largest mobile ...

Spain: Search resumes for poet Lorca's burial place

Archaeologists are back searching for an unmarked grave in southern Spain where the acclaimed poet Federico Garcia Lorca is believed to have been buried following his execution at the start of the Spanish Civil War.

Holographic imaging and deep learning diagnose malaria

Duke researchers have devised a computerized method to autonomously and quickly diagnose malaria with clinically relevant accuracy—a crucial step to successfully treating the disease and halting its spread.

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