
Is it acceptable to use a brain scan to read a person's mind?

Using brain scans to see what a person is thinking? There's still a long way to go, but technologies for 'reading' the mind are developing fast. Could the use of such technology create privacy concerns? Giulio Mecacci and ...

Marine robots detect whales in the deep ocean

Scientists at the University of East Anglia have been recording the sounds made by whales and porpoises off the coast of northern Scotland – using a fleet of pioneering marine robots.

Is mistletoe more than just an excuse for a kiss?

Viscum album is one of the best known parasitic plants—essentially gaining both water and nutrients from the plant it has made its home. But its unique biology is not the only reason why it is so well known, famed for being ...

Humans as a model for understanding biological fundamentals

Although some scientific disciplines aim at gaining a better understanding of humans, most biologists ultimately try to understand life in general. This raises the question of whether and when humans are acceptable, or even ...

Study answers a long-standing mystery about snake predation

Rattlesnakes experience the world very differently from humans. A specialized pit on the snake's face contains a heat-sensitive membrane which connects to the brain. Together, the snake's visual and heat-sensing systems work ...

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