
Fish to benefit if large dams adopt new operating approach

Thousands of dams built along U.S. rivers and streams over the last century now provide electricity for homes, store water for agriculture and support recreation for people. But they also have significant downstream impacts: ...

How fungi helped create life as we know it

Today our world is visually dominated by animals and plants, but this world would not have been possible without fungi, say University of Leeds scientists.

Nanotubes go with the flow to penetrate brain tissue

Rice University researchers have invented a device that uses fast-moving fluids to insert flexible, conductive carbon nanotube fibers into the brain, where they can help record the actions of neurons.

Cheap, sustainable battery made from tree bark tannins

(Phys.org)—Tannins may be best known for their presence in red wine and tea, but in a new study researchers have demonstrated for the first time that tannins from tree bark can also serve as battery cathode materials. As ...

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