
New digs for the spadefoot toad

A plump Eastern spadefoot toad sits placidly in a patch of meadow on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Nearby, researchers Rachel Jania and Bryan Windmiller are house hunting for it, trying to figure out if the meadow might make a ...

Riding a food fad to an opportunity

Until a couple years ago, Shaun Paul's knowledge of chia was limited to the kitschy terracotta Chia Pet figurines. But recently, chia seeds, promoted as a nutritional powerhouse, have earned a growing consumer following and ...

Penrose's and Hawking's early math award revisited

In 1966, it was Roger Penrose who won the prestigious Adams Prize for his essay "An analysis of the structure of space-time." The Adams Prize – named after the British mathematician John Couch Adams – is awarded each ...

Coastal communities face winter threat

The coastal communities of South West England are in a vulnerable position because beaches that previously protected them have not recovered from the severe storms of last winter.

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