
Team creates Milky Way structure simulations

If you took a photograph of the Milky Way galaxy today from a distance, the photo would show a spiral galaxy with a bright, central bar (sometimes called a bulge) of dense star populations. The Sun—very difficult to see ...

Picking vegetables to grow starts with knowing where to plant

No matter how you look at it, the online Texas Vegetable Variety Selector will help growers choose the best types to grow in a particular locale, according to Dr. Joe Masabni, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service horticulturist ...

A closer look at carbon dioxide

A new simulation of carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere provides an ultra-high-resolution look at how the key greenhouse gas moves around the globe and fluctuates in volume throughout the year. These three close-up views ...

Molecular event mapping opens door to more tests "in silico"

Scientists report a new method for establishing whether chemical compounds are safe for human use without "in vivo" testing, based on so-called "molecular initiating events" at the boundary between chemistry and biology.

Recycling Styrofoam into rigid plastic

Mexican entrepreneurs designed the first machine in the nation capable of recycling Styrofoam (expanded polystyrene) and transforming it into a raw material used in the manufacture of transparent hard plastic.

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