
Native shrub offers dining option in drier months

Farmers may be able to ensure their sheep have continuing feed during Australia's long, dry summers thanks to a model which can forecast the growth of a particular native shrub.

Peer review is fraught with problems, and we need a fix

Dirty Harry once said, "Opinions are like assholes; everybody has one". Now that the internet has made it easier than ever to share an unsolicited opinion, traditional methods of academic review are beginning to show their ...

Genetics denote feral cat source

Feral cats arrived on Dirk Hartog Island in two separate waves, but are now reproductively isolated, according to genetic analysis.

Tillage shows very little impact on carbon sequestration

Reducing or eliminating tillage is one of the farming practices most frequently touted to improve carbon sequestration in soil. A new study by INRA and Arvalis-Institut du Végétal turns this paradigm on its head. This study, ...

The science behind fire tornados

Meteorology meets fire science in a recent Weatherwise article exploring the violent whirlwinds that are known to wreak havoc in the nation's west.

Finding new ways to make drugs

Chemists have developed a revolutionary new way to manufacture natural chemicals and used it to assemble a scarce anti-inflammatory drug with potential to treat cancer and malaria.

Entrepreneurs create effective method against bee harming pest

A group of entrepreneurs in Veracruz have designed a "smart" system to contain larvae growth of the mite Varroa destructor among the bee population, which reduces the production of honey by as much as 50 percent when it invades ...

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