
More efficient separation of methane and CO2

To make natural gas and biogas suitable for use, the methane has to be separated from the CO2. This involves the use of membranes, filters that stop the methane and allow the CO2 to pass through. Researchers at KU Leuven ...

Wealth redistribution, not tax cuts, key to economic growth

President Trump's new tax plan will follow the familiar script of reducing taxes for the rich in the name of job creation. Not only will these trickle-down policies not work—they'll make the problem worse. A new report ...

Chemists develop a promising drug synthesis method

Scientists from RUDN University with their colleagues from Yaroslavl have developed a new way to synthesize 1,2,4-oxadiazole derivatives used in many drugs. 1,2,4-oxadiazoles include ataluren, the active ingredient of a drug ...

Missing link between new topological phases of matter discovered

Physicists at BESSY II have investigated a class of materials that exhibit characteristics of topological insulators. During these studies, they discovered a transition between two different topological phases, one of which ...

New Amazon threat? Deforestation from mining

Sprawling mining operations in Brazil are destroying much more of the iconic Amazon forest than previously thought, says the first comprehensive study of mining deforestation in the world's largest tropical rainforest.

Gentle touch soothes the pain of social rejection

The gentle touch of another individual soothes the effects of social exclusion, one of the most emotionally painful human experiences, according to new UCL research.

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