
How bad policies institutionalise economic dependency in couples

How would you feel if, by living with your partner, you lost your financial independence and were obliged to ask him (or her) for money? What if you had children but your partner was not your children's father? This was the ...

Faster prediction of wireless downtime

As the number of mobile devices grows along with demand for faster connections and larger data volumes, wireless networks can easily exceed capacity, resulting in severe network slowdowns and outages. While engineers have ...

Group-navigating species may be vulnerable to collapse

Migrating birds flock together and salmon swim upstream in schools because there's a navigational advantage: By traveling in groups, individuals are more likely to get to their destinations – or so a growing body of research ...

How MIT gave "Ghostbusters" its "geek cred"

The energetic researchers who grounded the new "Ghostbusters" in hard science—giving it "geek cred"—are using a flurry of media attention to alter public perceptions.

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