
Study suggests active volcanism on Venus

An international team of scientists has found some of the best evidence yet that Venus, Earth's nearest neighbor, is volcanically active.

New security technology for the 'Internet of Things'

Washing machine, smoke detector, burglar alarm and refrigerator - all of those and many appliances more could in future be connected to the Internet. To ensure that the connected home does not turn into a security hazard, ...

Origins of the Hawaiian hoary bat revealed

A Grand Valley State University biology professor and her team of scientists have determined new information about an endangered species in the U.S., which could impact its protection under the Endangered Species Act.

Titan's atmosphere even more Earth-like than previously thought

Scientists at UCL have observed how a widespread polar wind is driving gas from the atmosphere of Saturn's moon Titan. The team analysed data gathered over seven years by the international Cassini probe, and found that the ...

Risk of major sea level rise in Northern Europe

Global warming leads to the ice sheets on land melting and flowing into the sea, which consequently rises. New calculations by researchers from the Niels Bohr Institute show that the sea level in Northern Europe may rise ...

Hubble views a bizarre cosmic quartet

This new NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image shows a gathering of four cosmic companions. This quartet forms part of a group of galaxies known as the Hickson Compact Group 16, or HCG 16—a galaxy group bursting with dramatic ...

Unknown midge mystery solved

Revisiting original types and DNA analysis exposed hidden diversity in minute non-biting midges. Two species new to science were discovered and one misapprehended species was removed by following the traces back to the source ...

Microfabrication leads to a new microscopy method

With the aim of providing a simple, yet versatile microscopy technique that can identify single proteins anywhere within a cell, and allow cellular organization to be assessed in 3D, researchers at the Mechanobiology Institute ...

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