
Image: Cloud chamber at Le Bourget

VIP visitors to the ESA pavilion at Le Bourget peer into a 'cloud chamber', which reveals the tracks of cosmic ray particles that continuously but invisibly pelt our planet.

Is city biking hazardous to your health?

People used to say that exercising in New York City was like smoking a pack of cigarettes. Luckily, conditions have vastly improved, according to a recent NYC Health Department report, but some areas of the city continue ...

Microalgae produced on a commercial scale

Many products, including food supplements, cosmetics and biodiesel, are made from substances derived from microalgae. A fully automated pilot plant operated by Fraunhofer in Leuna is capable of producing microalgae on pilot ...

Straw-insulated houses beat petroleum-based alternatives

Everybody knows one of those houses; freezing cold in winter, stiflingly hot in summer and energy guzzling all year round. Better insulation is the key to recapturing the comfort of home while cutting energy bills.

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