
Sequencing Ebola's secrets

Last June, in the early days of the Ebola outbreak in Western Africa, a team of researchers sequenced the genome of the deadly virus at unprecedented scale and speed. Their findings revealed a number of critical facts as ...

Protein 'comet tails' propel cell recycling process

Several well-known neurodegenerative diseases, such as Lou Gehrig's (ALS), Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and Huntington's disease, all result in part from a defect in autophagy - one way a cell removes and recycles misfolded ...

Researchers bring to life proteins' motion

Advancing the field of structural biology that underpins how things work in a cell, researchers have identified how proteins change their shape when performing specific functions. The study's fresh insights, published online ...

Lefties are all right with kangaroos

Kangaroos prefer to use one of their hands over the other for everyday tasks in much the same way that humans do, with one notable difference: generally speaking, kangaroos are lefties. The finding, reported in the Cell Press ...

Illinois high court: Comcast must reveal anonymous commenter

Comcast Cable Communications must identify an internet-service subscriber who posted an anonymous message suggesting a political candidate molests children, the Illinois Supreme Court ruled Thursday, affirming a lower court ...

Fitbit races higher in healthy IPO surge

Fitbit, the company known for wearable devices promoting healthy lifestyles, saw its shares surge Thursday following the biggest stock offering this year for the tech sector.

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